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Surprise Breakfast for all students
On November 19th, Year 13 students prepared a surprise breakfast for years 3 to 12. It was a delicious way to start the day !
Thank you Ryan, Eliano, Tamara, Kendra and Alexa!
Within Assignment 3, “Our Interconnected World”, students from years 7 & 8 are working deeper on the Big Question "How might our use of the Technology Process positively impact those around us?" They have already dealt with the introductory tasks, and they have broken down the big question. Now, the challenge is to understand the technology process, set the context and map the learning. Mapping the learning is a process of planning the Assignment. Mapping the learning, helps the students become self-directed, with a clear sense of how they will answer the Big Question. They were asked to go through the following steps to enhance problem solving skills.
Technology Process involves:
- Identifying a problem.
- Researching the problem.
- Generating possible solutions and selecting the best outcome.
- Creating a blueprint.
- Refining and sharing the final solution.
En el taller de Economía con los estudiantes de Year 10, exploramos los diferentes tipos de comprobantes comerciales que respaldan las operaciones empresariales, tales como facturas, recibos, cheques, resúmenes de cuenta, extractos bancarios y remitos, entre otros.
Durante las clases, tuvimos la oportunidad de practicar cómo completar estos documentos y discutir la utilidad de cada uno en el contexto de las actividades comerciales.
Este ejercicio resulta fundamental para comprender mejor el funcionamiento del mundo empresarial y estar más en contacto con situaciones reales que enfrentan las empresas a diario.
Durante este último term y en el marco de conocer Argentina, en paralelo a un trabajo de investigación sobre las diferentes regiones del país, los alumnos de Año 11 seleccionaron imágenes típicas de nuestra cultura y las recrearon a su estilo. Este que vemos a continuación es el resultado.
profesora: Carolina Mancinelli
On November 15th, years 11 and 12 students organized a farewell lunch for year 13. On this day, Alexa, Kendra, Tamara, Eliano and Ryan sat for their last Cambridge exam. After the exam, this surprise was waiting for them.
Educación Física - Años 7 a 13
La última clase de Educación Física, los alumnos de años 7 a 13 asistieron a Golden Point y disfutaron de un divertido partido de pádel.
As part of our Term 4 excursions,´Wildlife´, the school organised a visit to ´Reserva Ecológica de la Uiversidad Nacional del Litoral´´ in Santa Fe city.
On December 5th Rosario and Bs As campus met at BA for the Recognition of Excellence Ceremony.
Students, teachers and families travelled from Rosario to BA to share this special moment
Congratulations students for all your achievements this 2024!
On December 6th, after TOD Rosario staff shared an end of year lunch. A great way to finish this challenging year. Thank you OSG Argentina!
We are very proud of the team we have become!